
ADDED – Multiple day booking.
ADDED – Import/Export Appointment data in CSV & PDF Format.
ADDED – Google Calendar two way sync.
ADDED – Support for adding dynamic fields in email templates.
ADDED – Dynamic fields options for Google sync.
ADDED – Outlook Calendar Integration One Way Sync.


ADDED – Option to disable slot capacity.
ADDED – Event based booking.
ADDED – Option to add appointment from admin calendar.
ADDED – Add Email template for reminder emails.
ADDED – Compatibility with WooCommerce Gravity Form Product Addon. CT-279
ADDED – Prior days to book an appointment option added. CT-284


ADDED – Add filter ‘gfb_show_slot_list’ to hide fullday if only one capacity per day and booking type is fullday.
ADDED – Add filter to change admin receiving email.
ADDED – Add support to pass other form fields in email templates.
IMPROVED – Code optimization.
ADDED – Compatible with Mollie Addon.
UPDATED – Freemius SDK updated to 2.5.10


FIXED – Filter ‘gfb_show_slots_by_date’ parameter added.
FIXED – Redirect issue fixed for staff role if WooCommerce is activated.
FIXED – Undefined form_id variable for admin calendar.
FIXED – Pricing issue fixed with other product field.
IMPROVED – Removed of loading timeslot ajax on form edit page.
IMPROVED – Removed ajax from first time form load front-end.
IMPROVED – Removed required checkbox from appointment field.
ADDED – Block day if all slots are booked or passed.
ADDED – Add filter to set default capacity on slot.


NEW – Added location filter.
NEW – Option to add multiple services on multiple forms.
NEW – Compatibility with Gravity Forms Coupons.
NEW – Compatibility with Square for Gravity Forms.
NEW – Compatibility with Gravity Forms Preview.
NEW – Dynamic email templates added for different events.
NEW – Added cancel appointment feature for customers using shortcode.
NEW – Option to change the label for locations, services & staffs.
NEW – Option to assign independent interval and duration time to individual staff members.
TWEAK – Global based appointments moved in individual form field settings.
IMPROVED – Separate booking fields are now as group field.
IMPROVED – Mobile responsive appointment calendar.
IMPROVED – Compatibility with Gravity Forms Stripe & Paypal.
IMPROVED – View scalable reports for appointment bookings.
IMPROVED – Option to add or remove holidays in bulk.
IMPROVED – UI/UX features.


TWEAK – Change hide/show method for slot qty to avoid theme css conflicts.
FIX – Time slots not visible in other languages.
FIX – If file_get_contents() get block by server. simple email will sent (GFB-199).
FIX – Add filter to change fonts for pdf apply_filters( ‘gfb_change_pdf_font’ ‘Arial’).
FIX – Fixed for appointment list admin for multisite.
FIX – Slot timing sorting issue.
FIX – Services order by title.
FIX – make string translable for calendar inside.


NEW – Manage Price and Appointment policies.
NEW – Added Display tab in settings for calendar display colors.
NEW – Added Fullday appointment.
TWEAK – Allow decimal in price.


NEW – Now you can set a booking form as global or service-based.
TWEAK – Admin can change appointment status.
TWEAK – Admin can change payment status.
TWEAK – You can add time slot with same name in different days.
FIX – Admin can change appointment status.
FIX – The timezone issue is fixed. It will pick the timezone from WordPress general settings.
FIX – Google Calendar button issue fixed on form submit.
FIX – Once the form is submitted without selecting the date, the calendar becomes unavailable.
FIX – Once the appointment is canceled other users cannot schedule the same slot.
NEW – You can set a timezone for each staff.
NEW – Option to select multiple dates at once to make it off (holiday).
NEW – Set start time and end time will generate auto slots for you.
NEW – You can add breaks to specific slots you want.
NEW – Users can book more than one slot at a time.


FIX – General settings not showing for new GravityForms version
IMPROVE – User settings and general settings save for new GravityForms version.


FIX – Current date not selected in a new appointment
FIX – bootstrap.css overwriting theme’s CSS
NEW – Settings for appointments to select days prior to booking
NEW – Settings to set time interval


TWEAK – The calendar will be greyed out if the service is not selected.
TWEAK – Added add to calendar button on gravity forms thankyou page for customers.
TWEAK – RTL supported frontend.
TWEAK – Submit button color same as calendar ui color.
FIX – Access token refresh issue.
FIX – Calendar two-way sync issue staff id not storing in db.
FIX – Full appointment calendar not showing appointments on dates.


Initial release