Donation for WooCommerce v3.3 – Release Notes

donation-for-woo-new-blogs_Donation for WooCommerce 2.0 – Introducing donation-based campaigns, configuration options, and more copy

We are excited to announce the release of Donation for WooCommerce version 3.3. The new release enhances the functionality of the donation progress bar in other plugin aspects, including the shop and widget.

The latest release also includes features such as resetting the donation campaign goals and displaying the donation campaign’s goal summary in the widget and on pages and posts via shortcode.

You can read the complete changelog below:

  • Added – Display the goal progress bar on the shop page.
  • Added – Display the goal progress bar on the donation widget.
  • Added – Display the goal summary in the widget.
  • Added – Display the goal summary on a page or post via shortcode.
  • Added – Reset the donation campaign goals.

Here is a more detailed look at these new features:

– Display the goal progress bar on the shop page


Display your donation campaign’s goal progress bar on the shop page. You can access this setting by going to the donation goal tab of the donation campaign.

– Display the goal progress bar on the donation widget


Display your donation campaign’s goal progress bar on the website’s donation widget. This setting can be accessed by going to the donation goal tab of the donation campaign.

– Display the goal summary in the widget


Display your donation campaign’s goal summary on the website’s donation widget. The summary will show website visitors the number of donations the website has collected.

Another way to display the donation campaign’s goal summary on any page or post is via a shortcode (wc_woo_donation_summary).

– Reset the donation campaign goal progress


You can reset the donation campaign’s progress toward its goal. This will refresh the donation count (number or percentage) from the front end.

For more information, you can view these updates in the technical documentation. For questions and queries, please contact our support team.

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