Sales Agent for WooCommerce v1.6 | Release Note

Sales Agent for WooCommerce v1.6 - Release Note

We are thrilled to announce the release of Sales Agent For WooCommerce v1.6! This latest update introduces key features to give admins greater flexibility in managing sales agents, providing incentives, and enhancing overall commission structures. Whether you’re scaling your sales team or optimizing how commissions are handled, this update has something for you.

What’s New in Sales Agent for WooCommerce Version 1.6?

1. Sale Agent Commission via Discount

Sale Agent Commission via Discount

With the new Sale Agent Commission via Discount feature, sales agents can now offer discount coupons directly to their customers. This feature not only helps boost sales but also ties commissions to using those discount codes, rewarding agents for attracting and converting customers. It’s a win-win situation for both agents and customers.

2. Sales Agent Groups

Sales Agent Groups

The Sales Agent Groups feature brings powerful organizational capabilities to your team management. Admins can now group sales agents, apply global commission categories, and set maximum allowable discounts for each group. Group settings take precedence over individual agent settings, ensuring that commissions and discounts are uniform across a specific team of agents.

3. Sales Manager

Sales Manager

The new Sales Manager feature allows the admin to create sales managers who oversee sub-sales agents. These managers can work as regular sales agents while also earning sub-commissions from the sales made by their sub-agents. It’s a hierarchical system that incentivizes managers to nurture and guide their teams to more tremendous success.

Make the most of these exciting new features by upgrading to Sales Agent For WooCommerce v1.6 today. Manage your sales teams more efficiently, empower your agents with better tools, and take your sales to the next level!

If you need assistance setting up the new features or have any questions, our support team is ready to help.

Thank you for choosing Sales Agent For WooCommerce!

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