Currency Switcher for WooCommerce v1.7 | Release Notes

wp-experts-new-blogs-2_Currency Switcher for WooCommerce v1.7 - Release Notes-27

We’re thrilled to announce the latest update to our Currency Switcher for WooCommerce – Version 1.7! This release brings exciting features and enhancements to elevate your e-commerce experience. Let’s dive into what’s new:

Switch Currency on Customer Shipping

Switch Currency on Customer Shipping

With Version 1.7, we’re introducing a game-changer – the ability to switch currencies based on the customer’s shipping location. This dynamic feature adds a new layer of flexibility, providing your customers with a personalized and location-specific currency experience.

Compatibility with B2B for WooCommerce Configuration

We understand the importance of flexibility in your e-commerce setup. That’s why Version 1.7 is now compatible with B2B for WooCommerce Configuration. Take advantage of role-based pricing and order restriction capabilities seamlessly integrated with the Currency Switcher for WooCommerce.

Upgrade now to Currency Switcher for WooCommerce v1.7 and transform your WooCommerce store into a truly global marketplace! We appreciate your ongoing support and feedback that has helped us shape this update. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team.

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