Instant Checkout for WooCommerce v1.1 | Release Notes

instant-checkout-blogs_Instant Checkout For WooCommerce v1.2 - Release Notes

We are excited to announce the release of Instant Checkout for WooCommerce v1.1. This new update introduces many new features that’ll make the checkout process faster than ever. In addition, version 1.2 strongly focuses on improving the overall user experience and user interface of your WooCommerce store.

 Here are some of the top new features in the latest update…

➢ Choice of Pop-up or Sliding Cart

Now you can choose which cart layout fits better on your online store. You can either go for a pop-up cart or a sliding one.

➢ Faster Checkout Process

With the direct checkout option, you can offer a quicker and easier shopping experience. Your users will have to wait less, as they can place their orders directly from the instant cart that pops up or slides in.

➢ Customizable Cart Icon and Cart Pop-up / Slider

Make your online store yours with our customizable Cart Icon and Cart Pop-up/Slider. Personalize to your taste, making shopping fun and unique for your customers. It’s all about setting your store apart from the rest!

➢ Replace Default WooCommerce Cart and Checkout Page with a Pop-up

Swap your old cart or checkout page for a new pop-up or slider. Your customers don’t have to wait for any new page to load; they can place orders directly from the pop-up or slider. Every detail will be entered, making the checkout process faster.

➢ Quick View Variable Products

Allow your customers to add products to the cart directly from the shop page by choosing the variables from a drop-down option. No need to open the product page anymore to add variable products.

We hope the newly added features and bug fixes will improve your app experience. As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team with any questions or feedback.

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Elevate your e-commerce store with Instant Checkout for WooCommerce. Innovate your checkout by introducing a side cart and one-click checkout. Instant convenience guaranteed.