User Registration for WooCommerce v1.3 | Release Notes

wp-experts-new-blogs-2_User Registration v1.3 - Release Notes

We are thrilled to announce the release of User Registration for WooCommerce version 1.3, packed with exciting new features and enhancements to elevate your user registration experience. Let’s dive into the details of what’s new:

1. Invitation Code Feature

Invitation Code Feature

  • Show Invitation Code on the Form: Enable this option to display the Invitation Code on the registration form, allowing users to register using an invitation code.
  • Required Invitation Code: Make the Invitation Code mandatory on the form, ensuring users cannot register without a valid registration code.
  • Manual and Automatic Code Generation: Generate Invitation Codes either manually or automatically, giving you flexibility in managing code distribution.

2. Block Users Feature

Block Users Feature

  • Whitelist and Blacklist: Utilize whitelist and blacklist functionalities to auto-approve or reject registration requests based on email addresses containing specified domain names. Enhance your control over user access.

3. Restrict User Role from Selected Pages Feature

Restrict User Role from Selected Pages Feature

  • Administrator Control: Administrators can now restrict specific user roles from accessing designated pages, providing a more tailored and controlled user experience.

4. Role-Based Redirection Feature

Role-Based Redirection Feature

  • Registration Redirect: Redirect users with specific user roles to predefined pages upon clicking the Register button, enhancing user navigation and experience.

5. Add Checkbox to Make Default Fields Required

Add Checkbox to Make Default Fields Required

  • Enhanced Form Customization: Take charge of your registration form by adding checkboxes to make default fields required, giving you greater flexibility in collecting essential information.

We hope you enjoy these enhancements. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for choosing User Registration for WooCommerce!

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