Wholesale for WooCommerce Lite v1.6.5 – New Features to Empower Your Wholesale Business


With the release of Wholesale for WooCommerce Lite’s latest version 1.6.5, we’re excited to introduce several new features that will help you take your wholesale business to the next level. In this blog post, we’ll explore these new features in detail and show you how they can benefit your business.

1. Enable the Registration Link on the My Account Page

Enable the Registration Link on the My Account Page

We understand the importance of a seamless and user-friendly registration process for wholesale customers. With Wholesale for WooCommerce Lite, you can now easily enable the registration link on the My Account page. This feature ensures that your wholesale customers can quickly and conveniently sign up to access your exclusive products and pricing.

2. Registration Page Redirect

Registration Page Redirect

With Wholesale for WooCommerce Lite, you have the option to choose where wholesale customers are redirected after registering. Depending on your business needs and strategy, you can select whichever page you like.

3. Order Notification Email

Order Notification Email

Effective communication is key in the wholesale industry. Wholesale for WooCommerce Lite offers a powerful tool to help you stay in the loop. You can now enable order notification emails to ensure you and your team are promptly informed of new wholesale orders. Plus, we’ve included a custom email option, allowing you to add recipients of your choice for even more efficient order management.

4. Tiered Pricing

Tiered Pricing

Tiered pricing is a fundamental feature for wholesale businesses, and we’ve made it even more accessible. Wholesale for WooCommerce Lite introduces two wholesale discount types: fixed and percentage. You can now set up tiered pricing that suits your business model. We’ve got you covered whether you want to offer specific discounts for quantity-based purchases or percentage-based savings.

5. Payment and Shipping Method Control

Payment and Shipping Method Control

With Wholesale for WooCommerce Lite, you can take control of these aspects in a user role-specific way. Admins can now disable certain payment and shipping methods for specific wholesale user roles, ensuring that your wholesale customers only have access to the relevant options.

We are continually working to enhance Wholesale for WooCommerce Lite, and your feedback is invaluable. If you have suggestions or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re here to support your wholesale business’s success every step of the way.

Ready to elevate your wholesale operations even further? Consider upgrading to Wholesale for WooCommerce Pro to take advantage of these advanced features and supercharge your wholesale business.

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