How To Successfully Update Facebook Sharing Cache With Facebook Open Graph Plugin

How To Successfully Update Facebook Sharing Cache With Facebook Open Graph Plugin

You must already be aware of the fact that our “Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags” plugin’s specific functionality ceased operating as a result of Facebook’s decision to discontinue programmatically updating the sharing cache for a URL.

Our plugin notifies Facebook that the post was changed and that they should scrape it again to obtain the new data of that post, ensuring an accurate preview when that material is shared on Facebook. Our plugin makes a call to a specific Graph API URL each time you edit a post on your WP site.

However, due to certain modifications Facebook made, you may encounter a problem each time you edit a post on your website.

Facebook Open Graph Plugin

The Solution

As Facebook doesn’t update the cache automatically, there are a few ways to ensure your posts appear correctly every time you edit a post on your site.

1. Manually Update the Facebook Cache

If you want to update your fakebook cache manually, you can click on the button shown below after updating a post on your website.

update Facebook cache

Also, you can directly refresh a Facebook post on your profile page to ensure the cache is cleared.

refresh share attachment

Click on the three dots first, then click “Refresh share attachment.” This action will update the post if you’ve made any changes in the meta title, description, featured image, etc.

2. Create Your Own Facebook App

If the frequency of updating content on your website is high, it’ll become a hassle for you to edit every Facebook post manually. Therefore, we’ve devised a permanent solution that involves creating your own Facebook App.

To begin, register as a developer at

Once redirected to this URL,, click on “Create App.”

Create App

Next, click on the “None” app type to move on.

select none

Choose a name for your app, and add your email address to create your App ID.

create an app

– Find the App ID and Secret

Next, browse to Settings > Basic, where you’ll find the App ID and App secret.

find the App ID and App secret

– Configure the plugin

In order to configure the plugin, you’ll have to open the plugin’s setting page. Click on the “Open Graph” and scroll down to the “Facebook Open Graph Tags Cache” box.

Configure the plugin

Enter the App ID and App secret. Now, each time you edit a post on your website, the Facebook sharing cache ought to be cleared.

Wrap Up

Because the plugin is attempting to flush the cache on content that has never been published to Facebook, it’s conceivable that you still get an error when you write a new post. However, if you update the post again, everything should function normally.

Feel free to contact us if you still need help clearing the Facebook cache for your WordPress posts.

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