Wholesale for WooCommerce v2.3 | Release Notes

whole-sale-new-blogs_v2.3 - Release Notes

We are thrilled to announce the release of Wholesale for WooCommerce v2.3, a major update introducing a powerful feature to enhance your experience. The highlight of this release is the introduction of the Wholesale for WooCommerce API, providing seamless integration with the WooCommerce API for effortless management of wholesale products and roles.

Wholesale for WooCommerce API

With the Wholesale for WooCommerce API, managing your wholesale products and roles has never been more efficient. This integration leverages WordPress REST API authentication methods and standard HTTP verbs.

Here is the list of all the APIs you can use:

Wholesale Role

  • List Wholesale Roles (GET)
  • Retrieve a Wholesale Role (GET)
  • Create a Wholesale Role (POST)
  • Update a Wholesale Role (POST)
  • Delete a Wholesale Role (DELETE)

Wholesale Products

  • List All Wholesale Products (GET)
  • Retrieve a Wholesale Product (GET)
  • Create a Wholesale Product (POST)
  • Update a Wholesale Product (POST)
  • Delete a Wholesale Product (DELETE)
  • Batch Update a Wholesale Product (POST)

Wholesale Variations

  • List All Wholesale Variations (GET)
  • Retrieve a Wholesale Variation (GET)
  • Create a Wholesale Variation (POST)
  • Update a Wholesale Variation (PUT)
  • Delete a Wholesale Variation (DELETE)
  • Batch Wholesale Variation (POST)

Wholesale Category Discounts

  • List All Category Discounts (GET)
  • Retrieve a Category Discount (GET)
  • Create a Category Discount (POST)
  • Update a Category Discount (POST)
  • Delete a Category Discount (DELETE)

Wholesale General Discounts

  • List All General Discounts (GET)
  • Retrieve a General Discount (GET)
  • Create a General Discount (POST)
  • Update a General Discount (POST)
  • Delete a General Discount (DELETE)

Bundle and Composite Products

  • Create a Bundle Product (POST)
  • Batch Update a Bundle Product (POST)
  • Create a Composite Product (POST)
  • Batch Update a Composite Product (POST)

For more information, go through the technical documentation. If you have suggestions or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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Take your wholesale experience to new heights by maximizing your earnings with Wholesale for WooCommerce. Shop wisely, and save handsomely