How To Setup myCred On Easy Digital Downloads

Money is the only medium to get goods and services

a silly but obvious statement. Isn’t it?

Why emphasize what we already know? Because, despite the money being only a medium, we often develop an attachment towards it and it prevents us from spending it on or leads us to repent when we do so.

The same thing happens with customers who purchase a product and if the product is not of the right quality. Not only it hinders the purchase cycle, but it is also for the store owner.

It can completely destroy your relationship with the customer, undermining loyalty and losing the possibility of future purchases.

Of course, there are various methods and tools to create a good relationship with the consumer, but only one of them can provide a logical answer to the user and that is the loyalty program.

It is a simple psychological implication: Each purchase brings the customer closer to the goal of obtaining a discount or a prize. In this way, your relationship does not stop immediately after the purchase and the customer feels that his money has been well invested since it will be rewarded in the future.
The effectiveness of a loyalty program is so well established that it has become a common technique both in physical stores and online. So, let’s make the most of it on a WordPress website using myCRED.

So What Is MyCRED?

Do you want to boost user engagement on your website? There are various types of activities that can help boost user engagement on your website. One of the best ways is a point management system. A point management system is an effective way to increase user participation and engagement.

myCRED is a free and opensource WordPress points management plugin that allows you to create points and rewards system within an e-commerce store created with WordPress, WooCommerce, and Easy Digital Download.

Moreover, it allows you to build store rewards programs, use points as a payment gateway for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Download, and various other plugins, and much more.

Although there are many free and premium add-ons available for myCred to extend the core functionality, in this article we will discuss Easy Digital Downloads and how it is bringing a change in e-commerce store engagement.

So, let’s begin.

Table Of Content

Before starting we just need to see a checklist, to have an overview of what we will learn in this article.

  • Easy Digital Downloads Installation
  • Easy Digital Downloads Configuration
    • General Setting
    • Payment Gateways
    • Email
    • Style
    • Taxes
    • Privacy
    • Additional Options
  • Adding Digital Downloadable Files
  • Set up myCRED Gateway – Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Download is a complete eCommerce solution for WordPress it allows selling digital products like books, videos, audios, PDF, etc.

Easy Digital Downloads Installation

First, you need to go your WordPress admin dashboard and select Plugins > Add New and then search for Easy Digital Download.

Easy Digital Downloads Configuration

Now let’s see how you can configure this plugin on your WordPress website.

General Setting

Now the good thing is Easy Digital Download automatically creates pages in your WordPress site. These pages are for checkouts, purchase confirmations, transaction failures, etc..
You need to set your country and state/province. Then click on Save Changes. button.

Payment Gateways

The next tab is for Payment Gateways. You need to choose a payment gateway for the store that will be perfect for processing transactions on your site. It is recommended to at least go for two payment gateways so that they cover all types of customers.


The next tab is for emails, simply set it up if required. Once the email tab is all set, add a logo of your store. You don’t need to add an email address because it will automatically get generated.


It allows you to change the style of your button and also choose the color you want to use for the buttons.


Here you can add tax rates for specific regions. Visit the Tax setup documentation for further information about how to set taxes for your products.


Now set the privacy policy in your store so that it is easy for users to buy products. Neat privacy policy not only improves conversions but also makes the users aware of the data you will be keeping about them.

Additional Options

Some additional options are:

  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Payment History
  • Reports
  • Tools
  • Extensions

Adding Digital Downloadable Files

Now, click Add New button under the Download tab. Then add the product name, description, categories, tags, image, etc.

Next, scroll down and set a price for your downloadable product. Variable pricing is also available with a click of a button. You can then upload your digital file, whether it is a .zip, .pdf, .mp3, etc.

Now you are ready to Preview your single product page to check if everything looks good in the front end. Once you are satisfied, it’s time to publish your product. Just hit the blue Publish button and you are done.

Here is how it may appear in the front.

So now you have easily setup Easy Digital Download for your WordPress website. Now let’s move to the next step.

Set Up MyCRED Gateway – Easy Digital Downloads

First thing first, you need to download the zip file from your myCRED account.

Next, go to your WordPress admin dashboard navigate Plugins > Add New. In the top left corner, click on the Upload Plugin button.

Next, go to the location where you have saved the zip file and then upload it. After that click Install Now and Activate.

After successfully activated this plugin, next navigate your WordPress side panel go to Downloads > Settings > Payment Gateways.

Here you can see that by default MyCred payment gateway has already checked. So you don’t need to do anything from here.

Let’s move to the checkout page so you can see where this option appears on the checkout page.

EDD Point-Based Stores

Now you have added EDD and myCRED gateway. This means you have options to either choose multiple currencies for your store. If the primary currency of the store points, you will only be able to checkout using the custom myCRED gateway. In this case, all real-currency based gateways will become unusable.

You can also find the currency settings on the Downloads page of your website. Go to the Settings page in your admin area and you are done. The proper procedure is the Downloads > Settings.

EDD Store Rewards

EDD store rewards allow you to reward points to your users. But how many points each product in your store pays out along with what point type you want to reward, let’s find that out.

When you have more than one type installed, you can reward users with more than one particular type of point.

So to add that in your store by simply editing your store product. You will see the “myCRED” meta box in the sidebar. If you do not see the meta box, click on “Screen Options” in the top right corner of the screen and make sure the meta box is checked to be shown.


That’s it, Now your customers can checkout with myCred points in parallel to other payment gateways. Also, you can reward them on every purchase at the same time. Hope this article was helpful for you. It’s pretty clear that you can easily integrate Easy Digital Download in your WordPress website and sell your digital products with myCRED points. If you have any queries regarding this article feel free to ask me via the comment section below.

Moreover, you can also learn about myCRED features by going here: myCRED WordPress Plugin for Points and Rewards Management.

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Revolutionize your rewards system. Effortlessly build and manage points, ranks, and badges with myCred. Transform your WordPress/WooCommerce site. Benefit from a huge library of third-party software for a lucrative reward system.