10 Common Errors Made by WooCommerce Store Owners – How to Prevent Them?

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Like every individual who starts their business on WooCommerce, you put all effort into bringing the bear, from designing to setting up stores, adding products, and perfecting the layout. Like others, you use all the spices needed to increase business growth. But weeks pass, and your store sales are far from where you set the target.

Statistics show that 90% of e-commerce businesses don’t survive beyond the first four months of operations.

Sustaining a WooCommerce business is difficult when the reality is so harsh. Even when you work on everything to make business errors, neglecting one element can lead to your way to permanent closure. The one element can be anything from website speed to insufficient customer support. Fear not; we are here to identify the most common WooCommerce mistakes that one should always pay attention to while setting up the store. So buckle up and get ready to take a most exciting journey of learning 10 general WooCommerce mistakes you can avoid while setting up your store.

Introduction to WooCommerce?

When the competition is so high in e-commerce, every platform tries to facilitate store owners as much as possible and help them set up a store with maximum benefit possibilities. Then, there is the platform that success is echoing everywhere in the world: WooCommerce.


WooCommerce is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that lets businesses create and manage online stores. With impeccable features and countless customization options, it is becoming popular among the e-commerce business. Individuals get many advantages while using WooCommerce while running an e-commerce store, but the most common are user-friendliness and flexibility.

CostSuitable for businesses of all sizesMonthly subscription feeExpensive setup & hosting
FlexibilityThe large and active community of developers and usersLimited customization optionHighly customizable but requires developer expertise
IntegrationSeamless integration with WordPressLimited integration optionLimited integration option
Community SupportSuitable for businesses of all sizesActive community but smaller than WooCommerceLarge community but mainly for enterprise-level business
SecurityRegular updates to address security vulnerabilitiesImplement SSL encryption to enhance securityHave in-built security protocols
ScalabilitySuitable for businesses of all sizesHighly scalable with quick load timeSuitable for larger businesses but need developer expertise

10 Mistakes Made By WooCommerce Store Owners

As a WooCommerce store owner, you may encounter various challenges while trying to make your business strategies work out. However, one of the major obstacles you may face is making mistakes that can hinder your growth. These general WooCommerce mistakes can range from insufficient marketing strategies to poor website design. If left unaddressed, they can cause businesses to lose revenue and customers and damage their reputation.

So, to make aware of the most common WooCommerce mistakes, we highlight the top 10 that help the WooCommerce store owner avoid them and run a successful business.

1. Failing to Implement Security Majors

One common WooCommerce mistake is business owners neglecting to implement sufficient security measures to secure sensitive client information.

Website security is one of the essential things, and not taking security majors can lead your business to devastating consequences. For example, identity theft, spamming, viruses, financial loss, and other serious risks. Despite all these risks, many store owners didn’t pay attention to take security seriously and only implemented basic safety precautions like weak passwords and outdated software.

However, one must prioritize security to protect customers and businesses. This includes adding an SSL certificate, two-factor authentication, and other elements.

2. Not Optimizing for Search Engine

As a new business, you launched the WooCommerce store, complete with eye-catching landing pages and a sleek design that is easy to navigate. You’re excited about the possibilities of your online business, but after a few weeks, you notice something is not quite right. You do not see the traffic you hoped for despite all your efforts. Now, the game begins from there, as you don’t know what WooCommerce mistake you made to get such low web traffic.


It’s the most common scenario for many new online businesses, and the culprit is often the same: a lack of search engine optimization. By not optimizing your WooCommerce store for search engines, you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity to improve your online visibility and attract more customers.

3. Setting Up & Managing Payment Gateways

What could be more frustrating than not having a high customer rate when you update your WooCommerce store with all the requirements? Despite offering different types of high-quality products with sales and discounts, it still lacks customer satisfaction and has a high cart abandonment rate. What’s the problem? Often, it comes down to a critical mistake many store owners make: neglecting and setting payment gateways.


Customers need a reliable payment gateway to complete transactions, leading to lost sales and frustrated customers. Every 9 out of 10 customers abandon their carts if they don’t get more than one payment option.

Neglecting the significance of setting and managing trustable payment gateways can cost your business a lot. So, owners of WooCommerce stores must integrate trustworthy payment gateways with their websites and keep them up to date with the latest security protocols.

4. Lack of Rewards for Loyal Customers

As a store owner, another general WooCommerce mistake you can make is failing to offer rewards to your loyal customers by not appreciating and acknowledging the efforts of consumers who constantly support your business to avoid losing their trust and business to competitors who bring loyalty and retention into the spotlight.

The data tells how reward and recognition are essential for customers. Consider that a customer has been shopping from your stores for years, but you never acknowledge or reward them for appreciation. Over time, they begin feeling unappreciated and undervalued and start questioning whether they should continue their long-lasting relationship or start buying from competitors who offer loyalty rewards. This WooCommerce mistake can lead to decreased sales, customer dissatisfaction, and, ultimately, the collapse of your business.

5. Unappealing Website Design and Functionality

Have you ever imagined what customers feel when they visit your website after browsing other options but felt disappointed at the very few seconds of starting? Sounds illogical? But it doesn’t because most people, precisely 59%, are drawn towards browsing visually appealing and well-designed websites.

Want to experience how website design affects your purchasing decision? Check out this ugly website design designer’s design to show the horrendous of a lame design website.

Your website is the window of your business that persuades customers to come into the world of your business and get the most memorable experience. But if it fails to make a good impression at the first step, you may lose the customers before they even browse your product pages. The reason is simple: poorly designed and non-functional websites can quickly turn customers away and cause a significant decline in your WooCommerce store’s overall success.

6. Single-Channel Customer Support

Other general WooCommerce mistakes include providing single-channel support. In the initial stages, it is ok to overlook the importance of multiple communication channels. But as the customer base grows, so do their expectations. If, as a WooCommerce store owner, you are providing customer support only with emails, you are missing out on customers who prefer to get in touch through social media, phone, or live chat.

Do you think we exaggerate and one channel is enough to cater to customer queries? Take a pause; suppose that you are running a handmade jewelry store on WooCommerce. Also, you started to gain some traction, and customers are beginning to purchase your product. You have set up a basic email system to handle customer inquiries. Still, you are finding it challenging to keep up with the volume of messages coming in, and you also fail to give prompt replies because of the huge email volume. That’s where customers turn the table and leave a negative review of your business for not prioritizing customer queries.

Now you can understand how the situation changes in 360 manners if you have multiple customer channels.

7. No Follow-Up to Recover Abandoned Cart Recovery

Have you ever experienced a high cart abandonment rate, even after spending months researching and displaying products in a way that attracts their attention? You also made a big splash in marketing and advertising campaigns to attract potential customers. But despite the best efforts, many customers leave your website, abandoning carts. You’re scratching your head because you don’t know what went wrong.

Let us tell you it’s your WooCommerce mistake not to follow up on recovering abandoned carts. In the fast-paced world, customers are one of the easiest targets to distract, and there could be many reasons why they abandoned their carts. Perhaps they had to attend to something urgently, or they got distracted by a notification on their phone. Whatever the reason may be, failing to follow up with these customers means you’re missing out on valuable sales opportunities.

8. Complicated Checkout Process

Put yourself in the shoes of a customer who came to shop on your website and tried to complete the purchase, but the checkout process is a never-ending maze of complex questions and irrelevant information.


It is also one general WooCommerce mistake that most store owners ignore. You should be aware that most customers prefer a simple checkout experience. They don’t want to spend their half day answering irrelevant questions and filling out lengthy forms.

9. Offering Too Many or Few Products

To understand the situation’s complexity, think that you come across a WooCommerce store with a limited product selection that fails to meet your needs. In contrast, you are searching for a specific product, but the store only offers a few options. You must be left feeling disappointed and unsure of where to turn next.

As a WooCommerce store owner, it’s crucial to balance offering a range of products while keeping your store focused and relevant to the target audience. Offering too many products makes it difficult for customers to find what they need; at the same time, offering too few products can limit their choices and leave them unsatisfied.

10. Older Version of WooCommerce & Outdated Plugins

It’s important to note that neglecting the update of WooCommerce and failing to keep up with the latest plugin updates can leave any business vulnerable to an unfortunate situation.

For example, you’ve built a strong online presence, and your success is reaching the sky. However, you still use an old WooCommerce version and an outdated plugin. Now, months go by, and you start noticing some strange behavior on your website, including broken links, slow loading, and occasional error pop-ups. You brush it off, assuming it’s a minor glitch.

Little did you know that your negligence left your website vulnerable to security threats and bugs. The neglecting act resulted in the website being hacked, customer data being compromised, and your brand reputation has taken a major hit. That’s why store owners should take this WooCommerce mistake seriously. And get experts’ help to keep up with the latest updates.

How do you Avoid Making Mistakes When Setting up a WooCommerce Store?

Setting up a WooCommerce store can be a complex process, and chances are high that you can make general WooCommerce mistakes. Here are some common aspects you should consider to minimize the chances of WooCommerce mistakes.

  • Plan your store setup efficiently before starting. Determine what product you will sell, your key consumer group, and your branding messaging. Explore this to set up your WooCommerce store easily in easy steps.
  • Choose the right hosting provider. Ensure you choose a reliable and fast hosting provider that can handle your store’s traffic and provide good uptime.
  • Use responsive themes that look great on all devices. Responsive themes ensure your store looks great on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Configure payments and shipping options correctly. Ensure your shipping and payment methods go parallel with your targeted audience and integrate properly with the stores.
  • Optimize product pages with high-quality images and detailed descriptions. This can improve your store conversion rate and sales.
  • Choose plugins wisely. Install only necessary plugins that are reputable and regularly updated to avoid conflicts and security threats.
  • Test your store before launch to ensure everything works properly, including payments, checkout, shipping, website performance, and product pages.
  • Keep your store security tight. Regularly update WooCommerce plugins and use strong passwords to keep everything secure.

How do you Optimize Your WooCommerce Store for Maximum Performance?

Regarding WooCommerce, it’s not that hard to set up your store. But when things take a turn and your store comes into the maturity stages, you must take on many aspects that can affect its success rate. Speed is one of the most attention-demanding factors, which shouldn’t be overlooked.

Nearly 7 out of 10 users claim that a retailer’s website speed influences their decision to purchase.

A slow website can negatively impact your store’s online reputation, as numbers don’t lie. Also, it can further impact your bounce rate, search engine ranking, and overall revenue generation cycle. That’s why it’s necessary to optimize your store for maximum performance by following these tips.

– High-quality, Reliable Hosting

Speed is one of those factors that can make or break your store sales games. So, it’s necessary to have reliable hosting as slow and unreliable hosting can slow down loading time, resulting in more downtime and security threats. If you opt for a high-quality hosting provider, they assure you of excellent uptime and server speed. This helps you to let your customer experience quickly load the website, be accessible to the visitors all the time, and get optimal customer experience.

The cost of downtime can add up quickly for small businesses, with the average cost per minute reaching up to $427.

To avoid this, it’s essential to use a hosting service with dependable uptime and fast speed.

– Optimize Your Images

Images are an essential part of any WooCommerce site, and they can significantly enhance the user experience by showcasing products attractively and engagingly. However, it can also become the biggest culprit when playing a part in slowing website performance.

Large and high-resolution images can take time to load, which leads to poor user experience. To optimize your images for the web, it is necessary to compress them to minimize their file size and load time.

– Monitor Website Performance

Websites performing regular monitoring also play an essential role in optimizing WooCommerce store performance. Regular follow-up lets you identify that it runs optimally and provides a positive user experience.

Several tools available in the market, like Google Analytics and Pingdom, help you check your website performance. If you observe any downs in your website performance, you can get the help of website performance experts who can help you maximize your speed without errors.

– Use a CDN

Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can help your WooCommerce store load faster for visitors. CDN stores your website images, JavaScript, and CSS on a server located closer to the visitor, reducing the time it takes to load these files. When someone requests a page from your website, the CDN automatically delivers the content from the closest server, loading the website faster.


Owning a WooCommerce store can be a profitable business venture. But it can demand attention to detail and diligence in avoiding general WooCommerce mistakes. By taking the time to familiarize yourself with the WooCommerce mistakes discussed in this blog and implementing the suggested solution, you can ensure that your business WooCommerce store runs smoothly, attracts potential customers, and ultimately accelerates revenue.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure. So, taking proactive steps to prevent these common mistakes helps you save time, money, and headaches in the long run.


Q1. What are some best practices for managing inventory on my WooCommerce store?

Effective inventory management is necessary for the success of any WooCommerce store. Here are some effective practices to help you manage your store inventory:

  • Use predictive analytics to forecast demand and optimize inventory levels.
  • Segment your inventory based on your sales velocity, profitability, and other significant elements.
  • Implement dynamic pricing to adjust prices based on real-time demand and supply levels.
  • Limit the number of products purchased in a single order.
  • Use an inventory management plugin to automate and streamline the inventory handling process in WooCommerce.

Q2. What are some common payment gateway issues faced by WooCommerce store owners, and how can I address them?

Payment gateways are the most significant part of any WooCommerce store. But they can pose challenges for store owners sometimes. We are jotting down some standard payment gateway issues here and how you can address them efficiently:

  • Decline Transactions: when customers experience a decline in the transaction, this results in lost sales and a negative customer experience. To address this issue, consider implementing fraud prevention measures.
  • Payment Gateway Fees: Different payment gateways offer high transaction fees, which can affect your profits. To address this, compare fees charged by various payment gateways and pick the one that offers the best value for your business.
  • Payment Disputes: These are time-consuming and costly for WooCommerce store owners. To resolve this, ensure your refund policy is clear and easily accessible.
  • Limited Payment Options: Providing a limited variety of payment options can deter customers from purchasing. To avoid this issue, consider integrating multiple payment gateways and offering alternative payment methods.

Q3. What are some tips for optimizing the checkout process on my WooCommerce store?

Improving the checkout process on WooCommerce stores is imperative to ensure a seamless and stress-free customer experience. Here are some innovative tips to help you achieve these goals:

  • User-friendly checkout forms.
  • Diverse payment options.
  • Allow guest checkout.
  • Use a progress indicator.
  • Give transparent and concise instructions.
  • Enable automatic address filling.
  • Add security badges.

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